Certified Grassfed Beef

Certified Grassfed by A Greener World
The Certified Grassfed by AGW label is highly meaningful and verified. It means that the animals producing meat or dairy were fed a 100% grass and forage based diet, with no grain. Only producers who are also Animal Welfare Approved certified are eligible for the Certified Grassfed by AGW

Animal Welfare Approved by A Greener World
Acknowledged by Consumer Reports as the only “highly meaningful” food label for farm animal welfare, outdoor access and sustainability, Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW (AWA) is an independent, nonprofit farm certification program—and now one of the nation’s top 5 fastest growing certifications and label claims
Wisconsin Beef Quality Assurance Certified
Beef Quality Assurance is a nationally coordinated, state implemented program that provides systematic information to U.S. beef producers and beef consumers of how common sense husbandry techniques can be coupled with accepted scientific knowledge to raise cattle under optimum management and environmental conditions. BQA guidelines are designed to make certain all beef consumers can take pride in what they purchase – and can trust and have confidence in the entire beef industry.
BQA programs have evolved to include best practices around good record keeping and protecting herd health, which can result in more profits for producers. When better quality cows leave the farm and reach the market place, the producer, packer, and consumer all benefit. When better quality beef reaches the supermarket, consumers are more confident in the beef they are buying, and this increases beef consumption.

Scott and Renee Brandenburg manage a herd of Certified Grassfed by AGW beef cattle at Brand Acres Beef LLC, located in a small town called Greenleaf, about 20 miles south of Green Bay, Wisconsin. The original farmstead of 80 acres was first purchased by Scott’s grandfather, Grandpa Gilbert Brandenburg. Gilbert worked the land, raising dairy cows and steers until he passed away in September of 2001.
At the end of 2003, Scott purchased 10 acres of the land with hopes of eventually raising beef cattle and replacement dairy heifers. Over the years, Scott and his wife, Renee, turned their interest of raising beef cattle from a hobby into a market venture. In 2010, they purchased two Pinzgauer heifers, a versatile cattle breed which originates from Austria and is prized for its beef, and their herd grew from there. More recently, they purchased cattle of mixed breed, including Angus, Belted Galloway and Simmental. Today, their herd consists of 17 Pinzgauers, 12 Herefords and 14 mixed breed beef cattle.
As the third- and fourth-generations to work the land, Scott, Renee and their three children are learning to grow cattle with sustainable agricultural techniques, including rotational grazing and grassfed management, in hopes of securing the farm’s production potential. “We see Brand Acres Beef as a multi-generational farm committed to restoring agriculture, replenishing nature and revitalizing organisms,” Scott explains. “We realize that cattle need outdoor space, as well as a grassfed diet, for their longevity and health. Our focus is to carefully expand capacity of cattle per acre for sustainable, rotational grazing.”
In addition to being Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW, the cattle at Brand Acres Beef is Certified Grassfed by AGW, the first—and only—food label in the U.S. and Canada that guarantees food products come from animals fed a 100 percent grass and forage diet, and raised entirely outdoors on pasture or range. Scott describes their decision to become certified: “We follow Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW and Certified Grassfed by AGW standards because this certification shows our customers that we really do care about the way we raise our animals, as well as our slaughter practices.” Brand Acres Beef plans to use the logo as a way to advertise and market their high-quality grassfed beef products, which they believe far exceed any conventional meat product. “Our loyal customers regularly comment on the great tasting beef from our grassfed cattle,” remarks Scott.
The Brandenburgs wants to reach the point of financial sustainability and profitability, ensuring the family will be able to continue farming this land for generations to come.
Certified Grassfed by AGW beef from Brand Acres Farm LLC, is available to order direct from the farm in the spring and fall. For more information, contact Scott or Renee Brandenburg at farmerscott.sb@gmail.com or 920-366-3790.

For any inquiries or questions please call: 920-366-3790 or fill out the following form.